Frequently Asked Questions
If the DICOM files are already on your computer, or they are on a portable device such as a CD or USB drive, you will need a program to upload the files. The Radiological Society of North America has created such a program called FileSender. Click here for FAQ with more information and instructions for use. Link
- RadPix supports 6 TLS Ciphers:
- RadPix supports TLS 1.2 protocol
In the
rtfs/apps folder of the RadPix installation are several batch files based on dcm4che.
- dicomSend.bat
- dicomListen.bat
- dicomReadme.txt
- summary of parameters for each batch file
- test.dcm
- dcm4che
- folder containing dcm4che utilities
There are 2 things to test:
1. Can the RadPix server catch a DICOM file sent by the sendDicom batch file?
2. Can the dcm4che listener catch a DICOM file from the PACS using the listenDicom batch
Send DICOM to RadPix
- Edit rtfs/apps/dicomSend.bat
Line 3 - This is the path to a test DICOM file. It should work with the one included.
Line 4 - This is the IP Address of the rtfs server. In this case it could be localhost.
Line 6 - Uncomment one of the CIPHERs - RadPix supports all 6.
Line 13 - Make sure this port matches the port in rtfs.yml
- Run the batch file and see what happens.
- If it works,
* Entry will be logged in logs/dicomscp.log
* Case folder containing the DICOM file will be created in apps/data/storages/draft
Receive DICOM from PACS
- Edit rtfs/apps/dicomListen.bat
Line 3 - Uncomment the CIPHER corresponding to the encryption that the PACS is using
Line 10 - Set the port, make sure the port is open in the firewall
- Run the batch file and send a DICOM from the PACS.
- If it works, the DICOM file will be in rtfs/temp/dicomscp