Webinar Setup

Below are some “Best Practices” for using RadPix for webinars.

Additional information is here: https://radpix.com/presentations/

Prefer 1 person showing cases option. The number of images can be used, as it will not slow down the overall system, as each participant will be using a different WiFi or internet connection. Cloud setup is recommended for improved performance. Contact info@radpix.com for more information.

Overall Suggestions

  • Rehearsal is essential!
  • 1-3 questions per case.
  • Cases can be annotated – they will be used as “bookmarks” for presenters. Only presenters can toggle the annotations on.
  • 100-200 images per case – Delete images – https://radpix.com/main-help/edit-case-help/delete-add-reorder-images/. Note: this is more images than typically used for a live, in-person presentation, as each person will be using a different WiFi/Internet connection.
  • Using a WhatsApp group for communication during the presentation is very useful so presenters can be reminded to do things and to notify them of issues during a presentation.
  • Set Browser Zoom to 100% – Click 3 dots in the right upper corner in Chrome to set Zoom.
  • Tell Participants to use Chrome.
  • Presentations are best viewed with a tablet or laptop. Images on phones may be too small.
  • Any PowerPoint supplements load in PowerPoint Show mode. Press Escape to exit and you will go right back to the RadPix browser.
    1. To get the PowerPoint Show to launch automatically on your computer, see this URL: https://radpix.com/presentations/browser-configuration-for-presentations/
    2. It sets your browser to load the PowerPoint file instead of asking to save it.
  • PDF supplements should open in a separate tab on your browser.

Presentation Setup

  • Minimize screen share switching.
  • Monitor in landscape.
  • Hide Everything important on Windows Desktop – Just in case!
  • Use Chrome browser.
  • Maximize Chrome window.
  • Plug in laptop.
  • Blur Zoom background or use a graphic background.
  • Monitor resolution 1920 x 1080 (not 4K).
    • Right click on Desktop, Select Display Settings.
    • Change to 1920 x 1080.
  • Multiple monitor setup.
    • Be sure using the correct screen setup in PowerPoint in presentation mode so the correct screen is shared.

Show cases – 1 presenter

Introduction to Course

  • PowerPoint slide.
  • URL to RadPix in Chat box in Zoom.

Case Presenter (1)

  • Share screen.
  • Shows images in RadPix
  • Brief instructions on how to navigate and use RadPix – Use demo case with a question.
  • Scroll through case, maybe pointing out a few things for people not using RadPix.
  • Wait 30-60 seconds for people to review images and answer questions.
    • Can also watch how many responses have been made to the questions.
  • Can watch count up timer on the presenter screen for time.
  • Review on RadPix – no slides.
  • Reveal correct answer.
  • Show participant answer distribution.
  • Share screen showing PowerPoint.
  • Show slides describing Findings and Diagnosis.

Panel Discussion (if any)


Show as Unknown cases – 2 presenters

Presenters should share what they plan to discuss to prevent overlap of content. 

  • Introduction to Course PowerPoint.
  • URL to RadPix in Chat box in Zoom.

Case Presenter (1)

  • Share screen.
  • Shows images in RadPix.
  • (First presenter) – Brief instructions on how to navigate and use RadPix – Use demo case with a question.
  • Scroll through case, maybe pointing out a few things for people not using RadPix.
  • Waits 30-60 seconds for people to review images and answer questions.
    • Can also watch how many responses have been made to the questions.
  • Can watch count up timer on the presenter screen for time.

Case Taker (2)

  • Shares screen.
  • Review on RadPix – no slides.
  • Use bookmarks to find abnormalities quickly.

Case Presenter (1)

  • Shares screen showing RadPix.
  • Reveal correct answer.
  • Show participant answer distribution.
  • Share screen showing PowerPoint.
  • Show slides describing Findings and Diagnosis.

Panel Discussion
