Case supplements are typically PowerPoint files that further discuss the case, and include Diagrams, Graphics, Tables, etc. that are easier to create in programs other than RadPix. They can be easily added to RadPix. PowerPoint, PDF, JPG, and PNG files can all be added.
Adding Case Supplements
Click Edit button.
Click Supplement bar to open popup.
Drag and Drop a supplement file into this box.
Supplement File Types
PDF – Preferred
- Immediate loading of images during presentation.
- High quality text and graphics.
- Save PowerPoint as a PDF file is recommended. Videos and animations will not work with this technique, however.
- PowerPoint file loads from the server when clicked, so there may be a delay if the PowerPoint File is large.
- Best if the PowerPoint file is saved as a PowerPoint Show “.ppsx.” The PowerPoint file will load and display in presentation mode, making a smooth transition from the RadPix screen to PowerPoint. After the last slide is shown, PowerPoint will exit and the screen will be back at the RadPix screen.
- Individual PNG or JPG files work well also.
After Drag and Drop of Supplement file. Click Save (Upper left green icon). | File saved to the server, thumbnail shows. Preview buttons (red box) become visible. |
Supplement Preview Options
Click on images to advance or use scroll wheel.
PDF Supplement – “Display as List of JPG’s”
PDF Supplement – “Display in PDF Viewer”