View available presentations by clicking on the Presentations button from the main RadPix page.

Presentation list shows all presentations available to the user.
Note: System administrators can view all presentations by entering admin mode from Site Functions menu
Presentation List

+ Presentation Actions
Create New Presentation

Click to create new presentation.

Refresh presentation list

Close presentation editor
+ Active Presentation

Presentation name, number of cases, presentation creator, start/stop time of the presentation are displayed.
Join Presentation

Clicking the Presenter button opens a new browser tab, and shows the presentation. This can be useful for editing and seeing what the presentation will look like.
Clicking the Participant button opens a new browser tab and shows what the participant will see.
Copy URL

Copies Presenter or Participant URL to the clipboard.
Stops active presentation.
+ Scheduled Presentations

Shows scheduled presentations, if any.
+ My Presentations

Presentation name, number of cases, presentation creator are displayed.

Edit Presentation

Start a presentation

Schedule a presentation
Pres and Part

Copy Presenter and participant URL to clipboard

Delete a presentation
+ Editing a Presentation
+ Presentation Tab

Presentation ID | Internal identifier for advanced use for setup of system without a password. | |
Presentation Name | ||
Presentation Description | ||
Presenter Title URL | Shows at top of presenter screen | |
Participant Help URL | URL for participants when they click help button. | |
Initial layout | Select initial layout of image display | |
Created by | Presentation creator | |
View permissions | View permissions for presentation can be either by group or user. Note: View permissions supersede access to cases in regular RadPix viewing mode. For instance, users that do NOT have access to a case can view the case as part of a presentation. This allows viewing of the case ONLY while the presentation is active. Click the “+” icon to select. | |
Edit permissions | Edit permissions for a presentation can be either by group or user. Click the “+” icon to select. |
Header text
Header text
+ Cases Tab

Change Order of Cases
Left click and hold down button on a case and drag up or down to change order. Click Save button when complete.

Save Presentation
Sort Alphabetically

Sort Case titles alphabetically
Sort by Included Numbers

Sort Case titles by numbers in title, ignoring letters.

Delete Case from presentation. Note: This does NOT delete the case from the RadPix server. Additionally, a case can’t be deleted from the RadPix server if it is part of a presentation – it must be deleted from the presentation prior to deleting from the RadPix server.

View Case
+ Options Tab

Presenter Options
Show Window / Level Tool Button | True / False. Only works on DICOM images. Allows presenter to change Window and Level of images. |
Show Line Tool Button | True / False. Only works on DICOM images. Draws line. |
Show Measure Length Tool Button | True / False. Only works on DICOM images. Measures length. |
Show Measure Angle Button | True / False. Only works on DICOM images. |
Show ROI Region Tool Button | True / False. Only works on DICOM images. Measures pixel values. |
All Multi-image Viewers are Linked | In multi-images viewers, i.e. 1 x 2, 2 x 2, etc., all images in the same plane will scroll together according to image position. |
Show Count Up Timer | Real time counter shows elapsed time since page loaded. Note: If presenter moves to another page and then returns, the timer will be reset. This gives presenter an easy way to know how much time to give participants to view case and answer questions. |
Show History Above Questions | True / False. Allows presenter to show history on case. |
Participant Options
Show Window / Level Tool Button | True / False. Only works on DICOM images. Allows presenter to change Window and Level of images. |
Show Line Tool Button | True / False. Only works on DICOM images. Draws line. |
Show Measure Length Tool Button | True / False. Only works on DICOM images. Measures length. |
Show Measure Angle Button | True / False. Only works on DICOM images. |
Show ROI Region Tool Button | True / False. Only works on DICOM images. Measures pixel values. |
All Multi-image Viewers are Linked | In multi-images viewers, i.e. 1 x 2, 2 x 2, etc., all images in the same plane will scroll together according to image position. |
Show only one question at a time | Participant can only answer one question at a time. This is useful when subsequent questions are based on earlier answers. For instance, if the first question is, “What is the most likely diagnosis?” and the second question references the diagnosis in the case, the user cannot look ahead to future questions, and must answer them in order. |
Show correct answer | If true, the correct answer for a case is shown when the user answers the question. In a conference setting, it might be useful to turn this option to false, so that after all participants answer the question, one of them can then discuss the case without knowing the correct answer to the case. This simulates the “hot seat” style of conferences. |
Participant can view case supplements | Supplementary case PDF and other files can be allowed to be viewed by participants. |
Participant can view presentation supplements | Supplementary presentation PDF and other files can be allowed to be viewed by participants. This may be a document that the presenter does not want to share with the participants. |
Participant can View Annotations | Annotated images, including those with arrows, lines, measurements, etc. can be shown by clicking the Show Annotation button when annotated image are viewed. This option can be disabled. When annotations are enabled, an additional double arrow icon will be shown, When this icon is clicked, the display will advance to the next annotated image in the case (1 x 1 mode) or series (multi-image viewer). |
Header text
+ Events Tab

+ Media Tab


Save changes to presentation.

Delete Logo Image
Logo Image
Add Image

Add Logo Image or Reference Media

Delete Reference Media
A different logo for the presentation can be uploaded by drag / drop into the Logo Image area. This image is used when there are a list of presentations available.
Reference Media

Add Reference Media
Reference media for a presentation are used to incorporate PowerPoint or other documents into the presentation. The files are best saved as PDF’s, and then uploaded by Drag / Drop into the Reference Media area.
Typically, it is a document showing staging information for tumors, measurements, and other information the presenter is trying to teach. This document is available to the presenter and participants throughout the presentation.
Note: Videos and animations will not be available when displaying PowerPoint files as PDF’s. The excellent loading time performance has been shown to be worth the tradeoff.
PDF Display Type

A drop down menu allows the presenter to select how the document will be displayed. “Display as List of JPEG’s” is the preferred format.

View Media shows how the document will appear during the presentation in full screen.

Example Reference media showing in browser. Use scroll wheel or click image to advance through pages.

Close Reference Media
+ Supplements Tab

Add Supplement
After drag and Drop PDF (or other) document into upper section, Supplement title and PDF Display Type options are available.
PowerPoint files can also be uploaded, and will be downloaded during the presentation as needed. If the Powerpoint file is saved as a file type of .ppsx (PowerPoint Show), the Powerpoint file will launch in Presentation mode when it is loaded. This may be useful when animations and videos are included. Howeverm a large PowerPoint file may take some time to download during the presentation, so beware.
Saving PPT file as a PDF is recommended.

Edit Supplement Data


Save Changes
Edit Supplement Data shows document name (for internal use) and the number of images (pages).
Supplement Title can be edited. This title will appear on in the Supplement display window. Click Save as needed.

Preview Supplement in browser.
PDF Display Type gives option of how to display the PDF, either as list of JPEGs (preferred) or in a PDF viewer.
